Moving (19th to 21st December 2005)

After a brilliant leaving event, I got on with the actual packing and moving. My brother did me the unforgettablly huge favour of driving the huge van below from St Andrews to Worcester. He's the only guy I know who was licenced to drive tanks and half-tracks before being allowed to take a normal car on the road!

My stuff took up almost two thirds of the huge van I hired


  The writing in the dust says 'Jock on tour'.
Just to show you how big the van was

Most of my stuff, piled neatly in my parents' loft. I'm so glad dad and I floored it earlier this year.



Jenni's party

My brother's girlfriend threw a pre-christmas party. I remember just drinking tea because I was in a foul mood and alcohol might have loosened my lips. However by midnight I was back to normal, drinking with the young people and ended up walking home about three in the morning, listening to Coldplay.


I have no idea who she is

  Does using the flash help at all?



The lure of St Andrews was too strong! Really I went back to clean up the flat, sort out a tenant, finalise my travel plans and try to say goodby to people properly. Not sure I achieved the latter but I just about got the flat rented out and bought tickets to Mumbai in India. As I type this (28 January 2006), I'm waiting on one more piece of paperwork and the mortgage company's acceptance of the tenants. Anyway, here's a few pix of Pete and Jane's hogmanay fireworks.

pretty colours!
  The amazing rotating roman candle

So it's now 2006, I'm unemployed, separated and free to randomise my bozoness all over the planet! Yeehah, almost (I don't think I'll ever stop regretting that Julia and I didn't work out. It would have been much better for both of us.)