Asia 2006: Random Bozo leaves Kolkatta

Kolkatta: Monday 7th August

logging kampung

logging kampung

logging kampung

logging kampung

logging kampung

logging kampung

logging kampung

logging kampung

Kolkatta traffic

Kolkatta traffic

Kolkatta traffic

I say!

temple near NSC Bose airport

Oh my god - they killed my arse! (part 6)

I was out of hospital today and on my way! I recall a long taxi-ride to NSC Bose (Kolkatta) airport, with a serruptitious smoke on the way. I think the flight to Singapore must have been overnight because I recall grunting around Changi Airport the following morning.

My camera must have been more out of it than me because some of the photos it tells me are from today are pictures of Nova's logging kampuung and I didn't arrive there until several days later.

© (except the blatantly ripped-off bits) Random Bozo 2006