Asia 2006: Random Bozo goes to Pekanbaru

Pekanbaru: Wednesday 9th August

gratuitous building

gratuitous building (interior)

gratuitous building (interior)

the kampung

shopping in Pekanbaru

tiga putri, dua songkok

Pekanbaru's besar mesjid

Pregnant Random Bozo and Dita

Pekanbaru's besar mesjid (movie)

mesjid entrance

inside the mesjid

inside the mesjid

inside the mesjid

Uni Ai (Dita's mum)

Random Bozo at Titty's birthday

Random Bozo and Refni at Titty's

the family: Ridha, Dita, Uni Nini,
Refni, Sari, Uul and Izal(?)

birthday-girl and friends

birthday-girl and friends



cake encore!

Random Bozo and Dawan

Random Bozo and Oyong

the family

Random Bozo and more family

Random Bozo, tiga putri and Sari

Random Bozo, tiga putri, Sari,
Refni and Gilong

the baloonatics

the usual suspects

Riko, Sari and 'bump'

Random Bozo, Oyong, Pit and
their son

Refni, Ridha, Dita and Random


Icha and Uul

Dawan and Uni Nini

Random Bozo is pregnant

Random Bozo and friends

Random Bozo with Dawan
and Uni Nini

Random Bozo with 'Tuan nasi'

Riko practising

Random Bozo and party-goer

Random Bozo and party-goer

Random Bozo and Dita

Random Bozo, Dita and friend

arrival at the kampung

sungai (river) Siak

kampung watchtower


scribblings (paper diary entry)

What did that mean?

I appear to have been fed gado-gado (vegetables in peanut sauce) and bought some cigarettes.

The photos of the boat trip that are on yesterday's page must have been from today. I remember driving with Ridha and Dita to a friend's house, a brief prayer session and then us driving around for quite a while, trying to find our way to the lake and the puttering around on it for an hour or so, then driving back through Pekanbaru.

Back at Da In and Uni Ai (Dita, Icha and Uul' parents)' house, there was a party for a young girl called Tity. I think it was her 8th birthday. In runs a car-wash next to the house. The front part of the house is also a restaurant, where 'Tuan Nasi' (Mr Rice) and another female worker (who is delightfully mad) cook vast amounts of rice and other foods each day.

Later in the evening Da In and Adriani's brother Oyong arrived. I think he lives in Palembang, miles to the south of Pekanbaru.

Later still, Nova (Da In, Oyong and Adriani's oldest brother) arrived to take me to his logging kampung to the west of Sumatra. Nova's a wiry, brilliant and fun bloke. To other Sumatrans, he describes himself as Minangkabau (people from the Bukit Barisan mountains on the west of Sumatra). To me, he is Adriani's older, protective brother. If you are reading this, Nova, my heart is with you!

© (except the blatantly ripped-off bits) Random Bozo 2006